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Role-based Security


Role-based security is currently in feature preview. You can opt-in via Manage Workspace Permissions in Worksapce Management

Documentation for this feature is still work in progress


Role-based security can be configured within xpna to segment access to data based on group membership. This feature allows the creation of security groups with specific rules, such as hierarchy member selection, attribute member selection, and direct filter expression.


It is recommended that role-based security is enabled in a workspace when there are users that should not see all of the data contained in the workspace

Enable Role-based Security

To enable role-based security, navigate to Workspace Management section titled Security Groups.

If the workspace has not been enabled for the feature preview, enable it and then click on the button Enable role-based security.


This is a one way process that can not be undone

Security Groups

Groups can be created with a name, description and members from the current workspace. Once created, the ability to add security rules to the group is available using the action button on the groups row.

This will open the assign security dialog where security rules can be defined