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The Connections page of the task pane shows the data sources that are connected to the current xpna workspace, the latest logs from the integrations running, and actions to add new data sources, manage data source connections, and integration schedules.

Its aim is to give users one place to add, view, run, and manage their data source integrations with xpna.

Add New Data Source

The Add new data source action button takes the user through a simple set of steps to connect xpna to a new data source.

The supported data sources available in xpna are (click through for detailed data source-specific information):

Connectivity & Security

After selecting the data source type to connect to, the user will go the connection/authorisation flow for the data source provider. See the above links to our supported data sources to understand how this is handled by each provider.


At no time does xpna get access to, ask for or store the user's credentials to the provider's system.

Selecting Information

Once the data source connection has been successfully established, the user will select the companies and ledgers they want to retrieve from this data source.


If this connection has already been established previously, organisations already being retrieved will be selected.

Mapping Dimensions

Depending on the data source configuration, the user can now map the data source into custom dimensions in xpna. See the above links to our supported data sources to understand how it is handled specifically in that data source

Refresh Data

On successfully arriving at this step, the user will be prompted to navigate back to the Connections page, and an initial refresh of the data source will start.

Connected Data Sources

The connected data sources section shows all the connections xpna has in this workspace, with their entity and refresh schedule, as well as action buttons to:

  • Refresh Data - Using this action will run a data source refresh of incrementals so that only the newest data is pulled through to xpna, (this looks like a 'Play' button).
  • Disconnect - Using this action will disconnect the data source from xpna.


Disconnecting a data source will not remove the data associated with that data source from xpna; it will just stop it from being able to be refreshed.

Integration Log

The integration log shows a listing of all the recent events that have taken place for any data source in the current workspace. It separates these logs out by entity and data type and shows how much data was retrieved and how long ago it was run.


Hovering over a given integration log record, you can see the data source endpoint that was used.