SAP Business One
The SAP Business One connector is currently in feature preview and as such documentation for this feature is still work in progress
Connectivity & Security
In most cases, SAP Business One is hosted on premises, this will generally require that a customers IT team engages with xpna to discuss connectivity.
The standard way that xpna offers connectivity is through our data proxy that makes direct SQL Server calls to SAP Business One from a single IP address on a non-standard port. This will generally require that the customers IT team makes a network change to allow requests from this IP address on that specific port.
When the connection is made, xpna will use a read-only credential (provisioned by the customers IT team).
At no time does xpna access, ask for, or store any user's SAP Business One credentials.
Connection credentials provided by the customers IT team are stored encrypted within xpna
Customers should direct their IT team to contact xpna support via to get this setup.
Once the prerequisites are completed, the user should have the following:
Property | Optional | Description |
Hostname | The name of the endpoint that will be queried. In general this will be supplied by xpna. | |
Port | The non-standard port number that will be queried. In general this will be supplied by xpna. | |
Username | The customer IT provided username that will be used to query. This user should have read access only | |
Password | The customer IT provided password that will be used to query. | |
Database | The customer IT provided name of the database that will be queried. | |
Additional Connection Properties | Y | Additional properties required for the connection. In general use the default unless otherwise directed. |
These are entered into the new connection form when SAP Business One is selected as the source.
Click the Connect
button will perform a connectivity check and any errors will be returned for further troubleshooting if required.
Dimensional Mapping
It is recommended that reading about Dimension Mapping is done before performing mapping for the first time.
If an organisation is using SAP Business One dimensions, the option to create/map dimensions for each will be given on the initial connection.
For each, they can be mapped to an existing dimension or have a new one created to represent it.
If multiple connections (from other sources) within the same workspace are using them in the same way, the same dimensions can be reused across many of them. The name of the custom dimension in xpna does not need to be the same as what is in SAP Business One.
Initial Load Duration
To extract and process the data into the xpna data warehouse may take anywhere from 1 minute to several hours, depending on the number of transactions stored in SAP Business One.
Data Synchronization
xpna does incremental loads from SAP Business One on a daily schedule set by the user and will also load on demand when the Refresh data
action button is used, (this looks like a 'Play' button).
Expect data refreshes to complete in less than a minute.
Managing the Connection
At any time, a user can disconnect their connection between xpna and SAP Business One from within xpna on the Connections page.
They can also cause the connection to stop working by revoking the access for the user in SAP Business One.
On disconnection, the user's SAP Business One data is not removed from xpna; only the connection that is used to update data is severed by removal of the properties used for the connection.
If removal of the data is also required, the user can open up a support ticket with us.
Data Flows
xpna extracts a number of data sets from SAP Business One. These are listed below.
xpna does not push data back into SAP Business One for any data set.
NetSuite | xpna |
GeneralLedgerAccount | Account dimension and hierarchies |