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Member Mapping

When there are multiple source entities in a given workspace, Member Mapping is available for certain hierarchies to allow mapping from a disparate set of source items into a common set for use in xpna.

To manage the actual hierarchy used in xpna, use Hierarchy Management.

Mapping Table

The main section of this interface is the mapping table, which shows all members of the hierarchy, one per row, and the source member from each entity that is mapped to it.

Entity Source Member (Chips)

Each entity source member is displayed as a colored chip, where the color represents the entity it is sourced from. The text on the chip includes the entity name and the member code for that member in the source.

If the chip shows an exclamation icon, it indicates that the name of the entity source member does not match the member in the hierarchy it is mapped to. This is not an error but a visual cue to inform the user that it is non-standard.


Entity members can be mapped to another hierarchy member via drag-and-drop or by clicking on the chip.

When clicking on the chip, a dialog is presented that allows the user to search for the hierarchy member to map to, as well as a shortcut to add a new member to the hierarchy if needed.


There are two search boxes to help filter the list of accounts and/or entities being acted on; they work in tandem as a logical AND.

Entity Filter

This filter allows one or more entities to be selected, excluding all others.

This search box filters the mapping table by hierarchy member. Users can use multiple (space-separated) search terms, which will be logically ORed together when searching.