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The ARTICLESEND function is used to write one or more transaction values against a specified article and account.

This is a context-aware function, so when selected, the xpna task pane will show the details of the Article Send and the ability to perform the writeback for the selected ARTICLESEND cell or all known ARTICLESEND cells.


This function does not change the article itself, only the transaction values.


articleA reference to a single xpna.ARTICLE cell.
valuesA single value or a one-dimensional range of values to be written to the relevant datapoint(s).
valueLocationsA single xpna.MEMBER or one-dimensional range of xpna.MEMBER of the same size as [values] to write to.
member1A reference to a single xpna.MEMBER cell.
member2A reference to a single xpna.MEMBER cell.
[member3..member15]A reference to a single xpna.MEMBER cell. (optional)

Common Problems

  • The function will return an error if the number of values does not match the number of valueLocations.
  • The function will return an error if the values or valueLocations arguments are not one-dimensional arrays.
  • The function will return an error if you do not provide at least two member ID or cell reference.
  • The function will return an error if the hierarchies Account and Period are not used
  • All members must resolve to a valid member for your workspace.

See Also

